To think you're going to suffer that mistake for four long years, plus the fact that it is going to be on your diploma and your records for a lifetime, you might probably want to test yourself and think through if you're really in the right college course after all.

I know a sum of people who regretted the college course they took and just realized it after or a year or two before graduation day. But not most of them were able to pull it off or change tracks right on time. These five signs can help you determine if you're on the right path or you're most likely pursuing a wrong college course for you.

1. Everything Seems Like Alien Language to You:
When you really can't seem to understand your professors and even your classmates anymore, when you feel like you're on a different universe or dimension, then it's most probably not the course for you. Usually, a student fit for the course he or she is taking up can speak the same language as all the others. If you can't understand them nor can speak their academic language for that matter, that means you're really not passionate enough to learn everything about that course. Might as well start packing up and looking for the right college course for you.

2. Everything is as Hard as Rock:
It's true that nothing precious and great comes off easily. You really need to weather storms and conquer difficult battles in order to get and deserve something of worth. However, if every single thing about that college course seem like a torture for you and you don't seem to succeed even with the littlest things, then perhaps you should find a degree which can possibly bring out the best from you.

3. No Job Description Fits You:
If in case you weren't able to factor out before the possible jobs and career paths that you will take in the future, better yet do some research about it now. Perhaps you were just pulled in by friends, forced by some circumstances, or the name of the college course just sounds so darn great! Nevertheless, if that course wouldn't give you the job description which will suit you in the hereafter, then you're most likely not on the right college path.

4. You're Constantly Failing:
The worst in you can bring out the best in you as well. But if it had been a year or two of hurdles and sufferings already, then you might want to consider that "fate" isn't really letting you achieve that degree. Perhaps that course is not for you. If you're constantly failing your quizzes, worst, your subjects, and there's not even a hint of improvement on your part, accept it, you need to shift.

5. Deep Inside You Know You Want Something Else:
That inner voice inside you is a real thing. If you can sense that you have made a quite big mistake upon enrolling to that course this school year, you need to probably do some "soul searching" first. If you feel like you actually want something else other than that college course, then most probably your "inner voice" is right. Do a lot of thinking and research.

You can't actually tell at once if you really took up the right college course for you. Of course what works for others may not work for you. That's where discernment and decision-making should come in. Remember, the degree that you're taking or you're going to take can dictate your future career path and endeavors. Might as well take a sure step than regret everything in the end.

Author's Bio:
Katherine Smithson is a sophomore student who is trying to pave her way through the blogging realm. Through, she is currently venturing modern writing and blogging in different websites and someday be able to make a name in the industry of blogging and writing.